The Chinese dragon, also known as the Long, has a rich and ancient mythology that dates back thousands of years in Chinese culture. In traditional beliefs, the dragon-shaped jewelry is considered a mystical treasure with magical powers, capable of bringing good luck and protection to the wearer.

The depiction of Chinese dragons holding dragon balls is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology and symbolism. The dragon is a powerful and benevolent creature in Chinese culture, often associated with auspicious qualities, imperial authority, and good fortune. Why the Chinese dragon holds the dragon ball can be disscussed from the following aspects:

Why the Chinese Dragon Holds Dragon Balls?

1. Symbol of Wisdom and Knowledge:

The dragon balls held by the dragon can be seen as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Dragons are revered for their intelligence and ability to navigate through vast realms, and the dragon ball represents the acquisition of wisdom. It is like the dragon safeguarding and harnessing the knowledge it possesses.

2. Sign of Spiritual Energy:

The dragon balls can also be interpreted as a representation of spiritual energy or essence. In some myths, the dragon, being the god of the East among the ancient quadrants of gods, symbolizes the pursuit of a good life and the eternal spirit of continuity, as the sun rises in the East. Therefore, the golden dragon ball it holds may symbolize the essence of life, energy, or the sun. The depiction of a dragon holding a dragon ball represents an unwavering pursuit of a better life and the enduring spirit of perpetuity, bringing balance and harmony to the world.

meaning of dragon

3. A Source of Power:

The dragon's possession of the dragon ball is sometimes seen as a source of power. The dragon ball is thought to contain magical properties, and the dragon's ability to hold it signifies its control over supernatural forces and its capacity to bestow blessings.

4. Guardianship and Protection:

Dragons are considered protectors in Chinese culture, and the dragon ball they hold is often seen as a precious treasure. This symbolism reflects the dragon's role as a guardian of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune.

5. Imperial Symbolism:

In imperial contexts, the dragon is closely associated with the emperor, and the dragon ball it holds can represent the emperor's authority, wisdom, and divine connection. This symbolism reinforces the dragon's role as a symbol of imperial power and prosperity.

symbol of dragon


In summary, the image of Chinese dragons holding dragon balls carries multifaceted symbolism, encompassing themes of wisdom, spiritual energy, power, protection, and imperial authority. The combination of these elements contributes to the enduring cultural significance of dragons and dragon balls in Chinese art, folklore, and symbolism. In the year of the dragon 2024, if you were born in the Chinese year of the dragon or if you like dragon-themed jewelry, you can opt to wear a dragon-shaped necklace or gift one to your loved one to attract good fortunes.

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Reviews (1 comment)

  • Dara Co On

    Hi, I have a green Chinese dragon statue holding a red dragon ball. One night I had a dream about seeing a red dragon, and when I woke up, I saw the dragon in our living room. I then noticed that on the same day, the dragon ball had a crack – its first crack, which is straight. Then last night, I had a dream about war, fire, and chaotic events. Tonight, I saw the second crack inside the dragon’s ball. What could this mean? Please help.

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