
Evil eye has always been a difficult entity to handle.To ward off the negative effects it brings, people have turned to various protective amulets and rituals. Among the most effective tools are healing crystals. We will explore six powerful crystals that are particularly effective for safeguarding against the evil eye.

Explore 6 Crystals for Evil Eye Protection

What is Evil Eye?

The evil eye is an ancient belief that spans across many cultures, symbolizing the idea that a glance, often driven by envy or malice, can bring harm, bad luck, or misfortune to the recipient. This malevolent gaze is thought to transfer negative energy, potentially causing physical illness, emotional distress, or other adverse effects. The concept of the evil eye dates back thousands of years, with protective measures such as amulets, charms, and rituals being developed to guard against its harmful influence. These protective practices remain prevalent in many cultures today, serving as a shield against the negative forces believed to be associated with the evil eye.

What is Evil Eye?

Why Do People Use Crystals for Evil Eye Protection?

People use crystals for evil eye protection because these stones are believed to hold powerful energies that can shield against negative influences. The evil eye, often seen as a malevolent glare or envious intent, is thought to bring misfortune or harm. Crystals like obsidian and black tourmaline are reputed for their ability to absorb and neutralize such negative energies, providing a protective barrier. By harnessing these crystals' purported protective properties, individuals seek to counteract the harmful effects of the evil eye, enhancing their emotional and spiritual well-being. This practice draws on ancient beliefs and modern spiritual traditions, where crystals are used to foster a sense of safety and harmony.

Why Do People Use Crystals for Evil Eye Protection?

6 Crystals for Evil Eye Protection

1. Obsidian: The Grounding Shield

Obsidian is a volcanic glass that has been used as a powerful protective stone for centuries. It is known for its ability to absorb negative energy, making it a perfect shield against the evil eye. Obsidian's grounding properties help you stay centered and rooted, preventing external negativity from overwhelming you. Its dark, reflective surface is said to act as a mirror, reflecting harmful energies back to their source.

How to Use:

  • Wear Obsidian Jewelry: Wearing an obsidian bracelet or pendant keeps the stone close to your body, forming a protective barrier around you.
  • Place Obsidian in Your Home: Positioning obsidian near entryways or windows can help block negative energies from entering your space.
  • Meditate with Obsidian: Meditate with an obsidian stone to ground yourself and create a protective aura.

2. Amethyst: The Spiritual Guardian

Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone known for its calming and protective properties. It is often used to guard against psychic attacks and negative energies, including the evil eye. Amethyst's soothing energy not only shields you from harm but also promotes inner peace and spiritual growth. Its connection to the crown chakra helps elevate your consciousness, making it harder for negative energies to affect you.

How to Use:

  • Keep Amethyst in Your Living Space: Placing amethyst crystals in your home can create a peaceful and protective environment.
  • Carry Amethyst: Carrying a small amethyst stone in your pocket or bag helps to keep its protective energy close at hand.
  • Use Amethyst in Meditation: Meditating with amethyst can enhance your spiritual protection and clarity.

3. Hematite: The Reflective Armor

Hematite is a powerful grounding stone that is highly effective for protection against the evil eye. Its reflective qualities create a shield that deflects negative energies away from you. Hematite also strengthens your aura, making it more resilient to external influences. Its metallic sheen symbolizes armor, providing both physical and energetic protection.

How to Use:

  • Wear Hematite Jewelry: Hematite bracelets or rings are popular for their protective and grounding properties.
  • Carry Hematite: Keep a hematite stone with you to maintain a protective shield throughout the day.
  • Place Hematite in Your Workspace: Position hematite stones on your desk or workspace to keep negative energies at bay.
    3. Hematite: The Reflective Armor

4. Tiger’s Eye: The Watchful Protector

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection that is known for its watchful and vigilant energy. Its golden-brown bands resemble the eye of a tiger, symbolizing the ability to see through deception and ward off danger. Tiger’s Eye helps you stay alert and aware of potential threats, making it a powerful ally against the evil eye. It also promotes courage and confidence, helping you face challenges with strength.

How to Use:

  • Wear Tiger’s Eye Jewelry: Wearing tiger’s eye jewelry,such as a tiger's eye bracelet can elevate and strengthen your protective energy and sharpens your instincts.
  • Place Tiger’s Eye in Your Home: Placing tiger’s eye near entry points helps to guard your home against negative influences.
  • Use Tiger’s Eye in Meditation: Meditate with tiger’s eye to boost your confidence and protective energy.

5. Lapis Lazuli: The Stone of Truth

Lapis Lazuli has been prized for its protective properties since ancient times. This deep blue stone is associated with truth, wisdom, and spiritual protection. Lapis Lazuli is believed to shield against the evil eye by enhancing your awareness and intuition. Its energy helps you recognize and repel negative influences, keeping your mind clear and your spirit strong.

How to Use:

  • Wear Lapis Lazuli Jewelry: Wearing lapis lazuli as a pendant or earrings keeps its protective energy close to your throat chakra, enhancing communication and truth.
  • Keep Lapis Lazuli in Your Bedroom: Placing lapis lazuli in your bedroom promotes restful sleep and protection from negative dreams.
  • Use Lapis Lazuli in Rituals: Incorporate lapis lazuli into protective rituals or meditations to enhance your spiritual defenses.

6. Black Tourmaline: The Ultimate Protector

Black Tourmaline is often considered the ultimate stone for protection. It is highly effective at blocking and transmuting negative energies, including those associated with the evil eye. Black Tourmaline’s grounding energy helps you stay centered and protected, no matter what challenges you face. It is also known for its ability to cleanse and purify your energy field, making it an essential tool for spiritual protection.

How to Use:

  • Wear Black Tourmaline Jewelry: Wearing black tourmaline jewelry provides a constant shield against negative influences.
  • Place Black Tourmaline in Your Home: Position black tourmaline at the corners of your home or near your bed for maximum protection.
  • Use Black Tourmaline in Meditation: Meditate with black tourmaline to ground yourself and enhance your protective energy.
    6. Black Tourmaline: The Ultimate Protector


These six powerful crystals—Obsidian, Amethyst, Hematite, Tiger’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli, and Black Tourmaline—offer strong protection against the evil eye. By incorporating these stones into your daily routine, whether through jewelry, meditation, or home placement, you can create a shield of energy that deflects negativity and promotes a sense of safety and well-being. Trust in the protective power of these crystals and allow them to guide you on your journey to spiritual and emotional security.

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