
Pixiu, also known as Pi Yao, is a revered mythical creature in Chinese culture. Widely recognized for its powerful ability to attract wealth and prosperity, Pixiu is often used in Feng Shui to bring good fortune and protect against negative energies. Despite its positive symbolism, some misconceptions exist about whether Pixiu can bring bad luck. In this article, we will explore the significance of Pixiu, its benefits, and whether the Pixiu bracelet will bring bad luck.

Can pi xiu bring bad luck

The Significance of Pixiu in Chinese Culture

Pixiu is a legendary creature with the head of a dragon, the body of a horse, and the legs of a qilin. It is known for its insatiable appetite for gold, silver, and jewels, which it consumes and retains without excreting. This unique trait symbolizes the accumulation and preservation of wealth, making Pixiu a powerful talisman for attracting financial success.

Benefits of Pixiu Bracelets

  • Attracting Wealth and Prosperity:
Pixiu is primarily associated with wealth accumulation. It is believed that displaying a Pixiu statue or wearing a Pixiu bracelet can attract financial opportunities and enhance monetary luck. Many business owners and entrepreneurs use Pixiu to boost their prosperity.
  • Enhancing Good Fortune:
Beyond financial benefits, Pixiu is also seen as a bringer of general good luck. It is thought to help overcome obstacles, improve career success, and ensure favorable outcomes in various aspects of life.
  • Protection Against Negative Energies:
Pixiu is regarded as a guardian against evil spirits and negative energies. By keeping these harmful influences at bay, Pixiu helps create a safe and harmonious environment.
  • Promoting Harmony and Balance:
The presence of Pixiu is believed to bring peace and stability to one’s life. It can help balance emotions, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.
Benefits of Pi Xiu Bracelets

Can Pixiu Bring Bad Luck?

There is a common myth that Pixiu can bring bad luck if not used or worn correctly. However, this belief is largely unfounded. Pixiu, by its very nature, is a symbol of good fortune and protection. When respected and properly cared for, Pixiu is unlikely to bring any form of misfortune. Here's how to wear a Pixiu bracelet correctly.

How to Wear a Pixiu Bracelet Correctly?

To maximize the benefits of a Pixiu bracelet and ensure it brings positive energy, follow these traditional guidelines:

  • Dominant Hand:

Wear the Pixiu bracelet on your dominant hand (the hand you use most often). This is believed to help attract wealth and opportunities into your life.

  • Head Facing Outward:

Ensure that Pixiu’s head faces outward, away from your body. This orientation symbolizes Pixiu going out to gather wealth and bring it back to you.

  • Regular Cleansing:

Cleanse your Pixiu bracelet regularly to maintain its positive energy.

How to Wear a Pi Xiu Bracelet Correctly?


Pixiu is a powerful and auspicious symbol in Chinese culture, associated with wealth, good fortune, and protection. Contrary to some misconceptions, wearing a Pixiu bracelet is believed to attract financial success, safeguard against negative energies, and promote overall well-being. 


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